I had always purposed this blog for purely academic writing and never for the fleshing out of personal issues. However, I'm particularly frustrated right now. Along with not be able to go to SBL my truck was broken into the other night. My laptop and work items were stolen. The trouble is that I only had my paper on two places: the laptop and a cd-rom. Unfortunately, the cd-rom was in the same bag ast he laptop so the last two weeks of work on this research paper has been in vain. Moreover, almost a thousand dollars of cell-phone money was taken of which I will have to pay because my company has a very high deductable. My mind just is not in the best place right now. For those of my readers who are believers, I would greatly appreciate any prayers. Many thanks.
Sorry to hear about your losses, Chris. Wishing you the best.
Posted by
Loren Rosson III |
2:16 PM
I'm very sorry to hear about all this, Chris.
Posted by
Ben Myers |
4:50 PM
Thanks guys.
Posted by
Chris Petersen |
6:45 PM
You are describing my nightmares.
I'll be praying for you too.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:01 PM
Thanks Dan and Michael.
Posted by
Chris Petersen |
9:44 PM